Nave iOS Synthesizer

Created by a power trio of Stefan Stenzel (audio algorithms), Rolf Wohrmann (iOS development), and Axel Hartmann (graphic design), Nave turns the iPad into an advanced wavetable synthesizer.

Sound designer Richard Devine - who created presets for the new synth - calls Nave "the most impressive iOS synthesizer I have laid my hands on to date."

Here`s what Waldorf has to say about Nave and its synth architecture:

The Nave sound engine includes two novel Wavetable oscillators with sonic possibilities way beyond the scope of conventional wavetable synthesis. While the spectrum of a sound can be transposed independently of its pitch, the waves can be rendered from perfectly periodic to very noisy and anywhere in between. Especially sounds with an accent on formants can be produced easily, which made us integrate a speech synthesizer for the easy creation of wavetables, enabling Nave to talk and sing.

Nave comes complete with over 500 presets from highly acclaimed sound designers like Richard Devine, Sacha Dikiciyan (of Sonic Mayhem fame), Laurence Rapaccioli (Arksun), David Boldini (7 Skies), and Fletcher Kaufman (Sunsine Audio), amongst many others. All seriously showcase the depth and diversity of this impressive and inspirational iOS synthesizer - so much so, in fact, that Richard Devine was suitably moved to create no fewer than 95 presets alone, all of which are included in Nave.

The clearly structured GUI invites both beginners and advanced users alike to experiment both sonically and musically while the hosting iPad`s generous display helps make wavetable creation and editing a blast. Besides integrated speech synthesis, wavetables can also be formed from analysing audio files. Furthermore, stretching, rotating, and shifting in the spectral domain allows wavetables to be refined or distorted. Several 3D views in the fullscreen Wavetable Edit Page make editing easy and visually appealing. All factory Wavetables from Microwave, Wave and Blofeld are included, complemented by new ones that make extensive use of the enhanced possibilities.

In addition to the Wavetable Oscillators, Nave offers an oscillator module featuring the novel Uberwave that can fatten your sound by up to eight detuned oscillators.

The filter offers the familiar outstanding Waldorf sound, featuring lowpass, bandpass and highpass with either 12dB or 24dB slope.

The Drive section offers different characteristics, and it can be positioned in the signal path: before or after the filter, or as a summing overdrive before or after the equalizer - for those who prefer harsh screaming sounds over delicate Wavetable sweeps.

An extended modulation matrix and diverse real time control functionality is waiting for animating Nave sounds in any desired direction.

Besides the classic virtual chromatic keyboard, Nave can be played with the "Blades" that allow for dynamic triggering of polyphonic modulation by sliding the fingers in x or y direction.

The 4-track recorder can be used to build your own Nave songs or to simply sketch your music, inspired by the sounds of Nave.


Waldorf Nave Specifications:

Per Voice:

    Two independent advanced Wavetable Oscillators
    Osc module with up to 8 oscillator Uberosc, shapes sawtooth, triangle, PWM, white or pink noise
    Two Ring Modulators
    Multimode Filter with LP,BP and HP, each either 12 dB or 24 dB
    3 Envelopes
    2 LFO
    10 Modulation Matrix Entries
    Drive with adjustable curve, depth and position

    Modulation Effect with either Chorus, Flanger or Phaser
    High Quality Reverb
    Three band parametric Equalizer

Additional Features:

    Keyboard with adjustable size, scrolling and glissando modes
    Blades with musical scales and optional chord mode
    Polyphonic X/Y finger modulation on keyboard and blades
    Modulation Wheel and Pitch Bender
    Up to three X/Y Control Pads
    Four Track Recorder with clip based editing
    Core MIDI in/out support
    MIDI device manager for external hardware and virtual connections
    Sync to MIDI Clock or WIST
    MIDI Learn
    Audiobus compatible
    Background Audio
    Polyphonic Unisono
    Speech Synthesizer for Wavetables
    3D Wavetable Editing
    Generation of Wavetables from external audio files
    BeatMaker & Sonoma Audio Copy / Paste Support
    Patch Management with unlimited user banks and categories
    Import / Export audio and sound patches from iTunes

System Requirements:

    iOS 6 or higher
    iPad 2 or higher



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